Our Vision
Verificer strive to form a huge verified and trusted products or services database which potentially valuable to every business entity. Verificer will provide a global Data as a Service (DaaS) platform for companies to build artificial intelligence (AI) forecasting, credit scoring, risk analysis, authenticity check, supply chain management, etc.
Our Mission
Verificer provide affordable blockchain solution to all kind of businesses who wish to employ community verification on their products and services by enabling product traceability and anti-counterfeiting. The involvement of community will bring value to the business such as improving sales potential, brand building and public trust. Verificer support transparent digital asset transaction which is tamper-resistant, also support querying and auditing by the community or regulatory authorities such as government or financial institute.
Verificer will become the potential partner with the government financial institutes and media company to provide verified data to help business in financing fund raising by approval automation, also the data can be used for corporate credit scoring analysis.